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Four destroyers fled back to sasebo to find out. Mama, the granary of the "Yukikaze" was hit by a blockbuster and almost followed Yamato’s soul-but a dud didn’t explode.

After the Kikushui War, the Japanese navy was finished, and there were still a few ships left to hide in the military harbor. The good luck of "Yukikaze" was not over. After dozens of large-scale attacks, only one was shot-and it was a dud bomb that hit the dodge bomb. "Yukikaze" accidentally hit its own mine, and the mine fuse failed to sound. Its good friend "Chushuang" also hit the mine … "Boom! ! !”
Before the Pacific War broke out, there were 12 destroyers in the Japanese Navy. After the war ended, one Yukikaze was left, and the Yukikaze sailed for 120,000 miles and participated in most important battles in the Pacific War. In total, less than ten crew members died, two people were missing and hit others. The shells and bombs were either nearly lost or simply duds, and they were not seriously injured. The Japanese Navy called it the "undead bird" but its crew hated it because almost none of the ships that went out with it could come back.
In 1947, the Allied Forces carved up the last possessions of the Japanese Navy to compensate for the war. The Citigroup drew lots for the "Yukikaze" and quickly handed it over to the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang, which had met with the "Yukikaze", demolished it or sold it to other countries at a discount of 35%. As a result, the national army successfully returned to Taiwan Province after destroying 100 million PLA.
In the next 20 years, the Kuomintang navy still suffered many defeats and battles in the face of the much weaker Red Navy. In 1971, it was fed up with the fact that the Taiwan Province navy had retired the Yukikaze and the time was running out. The Yukikaze once again showed great power-you wouldn’t let me live and I wouldn’t let you feel better-after the United Nations passed the case of expelling Chiang Kai-shek, the Republic won back its due position; After that, in 1972, President Nixon visited Taiwan Province and sold it to his most important ally.
In December, 1971, Bay Bay gave the anchor steering wheel to Japan, and the Tanaka Pavilion fell in the second year …
Lieutenant General, this destroyer is certainly not the Yukikaze, but it has a hobby of collecting. The captain doesn’t know how to get some parts belonging to the Yukikaze from the Bay. The most conspicuous part is the ship clock. These hidden destroyers have brought good luck. So dense a missile offensive has not hit it! The fleet was killed miserably, and dozens of warships, large and small, condensed the elite cultivated by the Japanese navy for decades, and disappeared. This is not to mention that the South China Sea Fleet still refused to let them go! A dozen -21 hit three warships burning with smoke.
What’s worse is that more than a dozen helicopters followed and fired a heavy torpedo, which made every Japanese sailor’s guts crack! However, it’s not their turn to report to Aunt Tianzhao today. There are too many people. We have to abide by discipline and queue up to be good students and good babies in five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves.
"Dadada dadada …"
An Eagle Dragon heavy attack helicopter’s wing three-tube machine gun rushed to the sea and struggled. The Japanese sailors spewed more than one meter of flame and 20 mm shells at a speed of 100 rounds per second. They swept away the pilot’s facial muscles and twisted their buttons while yelling, "Fuck your mother, she killed tens of millions of us forty years ago. You just let it go?" You just let it go? Fuck you! ! !” A series of fire streams swept across the sea from the sea, turned over and exploded, and clouds of blood waves were swept away. The Japanese sailors were not destroyed like a plague. With the exception of a dozen helicopters, the sailors who fell into the water with machine guns against milli’s self-defense ability suddenly swept the sea, screaming and screaming, and the red water column raised from the sea at the same time, and it became dark red in less than three seconds.
He Dongsheng said great anger "bastard, what are you doing? Everybody stop! ! !”
No one listened to him, and even the marines set up machine guns on the ship’s side, screaming and handing out tickets to the underworld to the Japanese sailors who were crying for help. He Dongsheng’s lips trembled and said, "Crazy is crazy!" Xu Feihong shouted, "The fighting troops strongly interfered for three minutes!"
It was only three years ago that the combat troops set up a new army. All the soldiers were master students and even doctors, and they were proud as hell that they couldn’t even open a gun. However, there is no denying that they played a bigger role than a regiment in a key battle. In the missile attack just now, they accurately calculated the missile attack trajectory, commanded the anti-gun cloth, spread gas, stopped more than a missile, or the South China Sea fleet would have been blown to the bottom of the sea. Now these newly idle cyber warriors have received new blindfolds and kept their eyes on us! Several soldiers were dissatisfied with the special signals in the thick goo, and the speed of light was shooting at the satellite screen of Taiqiu. A snowflake could not even see a ghost. The audience paid a lot of money and looked forward to it. The audience glared at the table and beat the worst swearing words, greeting every worker and woman in the viewing platform again! They don’t know that at the moment, the general manager and presidents of the TV station are also staring at a large group of experts and swearing at them. They are ordered to troubleshoot in one minute or go home! Ratings, ratings, ratings are wealth! At the best time, the ratings have not plummeted?
one minute
It is the way to solve this problem, because there is no problem with the root of the instrument, and you can’t fix it no matter how much, but they have received some information that should not be received, which is just a mess. Today, everyone calls this kind of information "brain virus"
The world satellite channel was blocked for three minutes, and helicopter guns and warship machine guns were also swept for three minutes. After three minutes, there was no living Japanese sailor on the sea, and the blood and blood were covered with corpses.
Lieutenant General Nakamura gawked at the scene where the Chinese army slaughtered his department, and he couldn’t say a word. He was no stranger to this tragedy. Forty years ago, the Chinese land performed almost every day, and the blood of Chinese civilians almost soaked half of the Chinese land. At that time, they were murderers, and they could kill as they wanted. Today, this scene is repeated again. The difference is that the identity of the butcher and the slaughtered person has been exchanged.
The South China Sea Fleet split a pool of blood and rushed to the last few unsinkable warships of the fleet. 13 naval guns and 23 howitzers fired at the same time. Those damaged warships fell like rain and debris flying in Nakamura. The communication channel screamed "We surrender! We surrender! " Some sailors are even more loaded with white flags, which means they are lucky. Several naval guns have pointed to the destroyer, and even three seconds later, the shells will hit! The South China Sea Fleet didn’t pass by them when they were in waves, and launched a charge against the USS Lincoln, an aircraft carrier battle group of Citigroup. A sailor coldly looked at the dumpling-like crowded ship and turned pale, and showed them the most pertinent evaluation: "Bah!" One mouthful thick phlegm vomited in the past.
Chapter 30 The king sees the king (1)
Just settled the demonstration in China, the president of Citigroup was confused by a series of events that happened today and had to swallow the rescue pills while taking oxygen.
When the multinational military exercise in the South China Sea was in full swing, a cargo ship moored at Xiamen Port crashed and sank, killing seven Chinese sailors.
Five minutes later, Taiwan Province claimed that his special forces had launched this near-perfect attack on Xiamen Port, which dealt a heavy blow to the Communist Party.
Ten minutes later, Beijing announced the news, angrily accusing Taiwan of treachery and undermining the trust foundation and peaceful will that people on both sides of the strait have worked hard to build, and they must pay the price! Subsequently, more than a dozen short-range and medium-range missiles rose from the ground and flew to Kinmen Island. At the same time, the People’s Liberation Army launched shelling on Kinmen Island. After years of hard work on both sides of the strait, political and economic achievements came to naught.
Eleven minutes later, just as the President was preparing to warn Beijing, two submarine-launched cruise missiles smashed into Cam Ranh Bay with thunder and wind.
Twelve minutes later, more than one division and aviation soldier of the People’s Liberation Army took off from more than a dozen frontline airports at the same time to kill Taiwan Province;
Thirteen minutes later, two "whaling forks" and a k-4 hit the Soviet special mixed fleet;
Fourteen minutes later, the missile landed in Cam Ranh Bay and instantly became a human hell. Even the most conservative estimate of casualties exceeded 500. The Soviet Union finally managed to operate and the naval base was razed.
Fifteen minutes later, the Japanese submarine force fired an anti-ship missile at the Soviet special mixed fleet;
Sixteen minutes later, polar bears began to fight back, and the gates of hell were opened;
Nineteen minutes later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China angrily announced that "our South China Sea exercise fleet was attacked by multinational fleets and suffered heavy losses. This is a violation of our national dignity and we must get back justice!"
Twenty minutes later, 100 fighter planes pouncing on Taiwan Province received an order to destroy hostile forces in the South China Sea, spared Taiwan Province and killed in the South China Sea regardless of voyage restrictions;
Twenty-two minutes later, Taiping Island, an important stronghold in Taiwan Province’s South China Sea, was attacked by the special forces of the Chinese navy. The national army once again carried forward the fine unity of being afraid of being brave and fighting enemies. Within five minutes, it surrendered to the world again. There is no problem that Taiping Island has two long runways to take off and land fighters. If the island falls into the hands of the Chinese army, the Chinese army will have a super disposable aircraft carrier (the facilities are not perfect, at most, the fighters can be refueled here or simply maintained).
Twenty-five minutes later, Moscow issued a very strong demand for Citigroup to explain the Cam Ranh Bay incident! Polar bears are never verbal protests, but more practical actions-several intercontinental missiles.
The shooting base removed the camouflage ground radar and began to scan the nuclear war clouds, which made the world breathless;
Thirty minutes later …
The president lost his temper and slammed a pile of papers on his desk, rubbing his temples and hissing, "Show me which bastard fired missiles at the Soviet fleet for fear of chaos. I’ll shoot him!"
A large number of elites are all grim-faced and gloomy, which makes the sexy, charming and secret shudder. This time, the joke is really too big. The plot in Hollywood blockbusters is about to rot, but unfortunately it has become a reality. However, Citigroup is not the savior of the world, but the fuse is a incendiary bomb! Two cruise missiles, two anti-ship missiles and an anti-ship torpedo pushed the world to the brink of destruction. The commander of that submarine was either a war maniac or a Nazi to harm the remnants of the world. Anyway, it was not a good bird to attack polar bears on its own! God, doesn’t he know that polar bears have ten thousand nuclear bombs against the head of the United States? And Haier Mo is also an excellent idiot, a wooden stick, and 250! After being attacked by a polar bear, it’s commendable to fight back, and at the same time, it’s also commendable to hit the arrogant fleet several times with super precision. But why did you fire missiles at the South China Sea Fleet? They didn’t provoke you. You think it’s too easy for us to deal with a nuclear power. Help us find another sparring partner, right? Asshole!
The secretary of state was worried. "Moscow asked us to give them an answer in half an hour. What shall we do?"
The president is about to cry. "Who am I going to ask?"
Vice President Shen said, "This militant polar bear has been trying to overwhelm us. We can’t show weakness! The proud eagle can’t bow to the polar bear. Once we give up fighting, presidents such as Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt have gone through several arduous battles before the United States is established. Dignity will vanish in one second and we will become a second-rate country! "
The president shook his teeth and shouted "order the militia intercontinental missile to enter the launch state!"
Everyone in the place had a cold war. Oh, my God, this is just playing with fire! Fortunately, entering the launch state does not mean launching. It is also a political means and effective military deterrence, and it is the strongest political declaration. Want to play? Play with you to the end!
Several intercontinental missile launch sites in Citigroup entered the launching state. Citigroup’s strategic bombers hung nuclear bombs and entered the first-level combat readiness. Citigroup’s nuclear submarine forces entered the first-level combat readiness … Oh, God, is the world really going to be destroyed? The world is suffocating!
Polar bears have always been soft and hard. Citigroup is so tough that he hesitates about nuclear weapons, which is not so fun.
Especially when the other party has this stuff, you can destroy your opponent or blow you to pieces. How to do it or not? If polar bears really have the courage to die with their opponents, they won’t have to fight against the poor and weak Republic for more than ten years or they can’t stand this big and poor neighbor! But Cam Ranh Bay was bombed and the Pinter mixed fleet was destroyed. What should we do without asking for a statement? They can’t show weakness! Now these two superpowers are all crowded with single-plank bridges, and the hard top is an abyss. Neither of them wants to take a step back, but they are expecting the other side to take the initiative to take a step back.
Things haven’t finished yet. Before the President can catch his breath, the words of the Minister of National Defense are like a death warrant. "The President is not good-"Just this beginning makes people feel uncomfortable. Mom, is it good to be old after such a big event? The president asked angrily, "What now?"
The Minister of National Defense said, "The Chinese navy launched a fierce attack on our lucky aircraft carrier battle group, and both sides were red-eyed!"
It was expected that Citigroup’s navy would take the lead, and China’s navy would be abnormal if it didn’t take the lead. The president asked, "What do you think we should do?"
The Minister of National Defense said, "It is unacceptable to order the fighter wing stationed in Okinawa to rush to help and not let them destroy our ship!"
Nonsense. Are you still talking about this? I’ve sunk an aircraft carrier in the melee, and now I’m afraid I’ll be the president! The president said impatiently, "Mr. Minister, I put you in charge of this matter. You can move everything except nuclear weapons. You don’t have to ask for instructions when it’s over. Just give me a detailed report."
The defense minister at the other end was stunned. Isn’t this too powerful? But as soon as I get it, the president starts to cheat. If you want me to, I’ll give it to you. You can handle it well. You can’t handle it well. It’s your own business. This means that you, the defense minister, are not qualified. Get out of here! But now he is not in the mood to care about these things. There are more important things. "Thank you for your letter … Well, I have another question for a president."
The president’s head is getting bigger again. "What’s the problem? I hope it’s not a bad thing. "
The Minister of National Defense hesitated and asked, "Is it the President that you have overstepped the goal of attacking the Soviet special mixed fleet and Cam Ranh Bay naval base?"
The president jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on. "The more I hit the Soviets? Emperor, am I crazy or sick and will I be such an idiot? "
The defense minister said in a low voice, "Well, five minutes ago, a nuclear submarine in the South China Sea reported to me that it had destroyed the Cam Ranh Bay naval base as ordered and asked me for instructions."
Step action … and the Pentagon has never reached such an order … "
"Hum" A president thinks that Venus is dancing around in front of him, and it is impossible for the situation to swell up again. His chest is like a big stone, so that he can’t even hold his breath. He fell off his hands and fell to the head of the State. He took the words in the previous step and looked at him with a sympathetic face. He said to himself that this president is not good. When the top five presidents are in trouble, they will not be as much as he is in half an hour. If he goes like this again, the president will be tossed out of a heart attack and die young! He first put his hand over his words and called "call a doctor quickly, Mr. President. The situation is very worrying!" Then I said a few words into the microphone, that is, a few words became white.
Half an hour ago, a nuclear submarine was escorting the South China Sea Fleet and received the highest order to destroy Cam Ranh Bay Naval Base! It can be the Ministry of National Defense or the President who can directly reach the order through the military guards, so the man said that two cruise missiles exploded a big hole in the sky, and the Minister of National Defense also said that two submarines also received orders to launch anti-ship missiles and torpedoes to the task force respectively …
A bone-chilling chill rose from the soles of the feet and went straight to the forehead. The Secretary of State felt that his eyes were black and sensitive. He vaguely saw that Citigroup and polar bears had been assassinated and were involved in a shocking conspiracy. I don’t know how many copies of the plan to crack down on polar bears in Citigroup Archives Bureau, but it has never been seen. But today, some people are proud of them, and military satellites have helped them reach the order and directly pushed the world to the brink of destruction! Who is so crazy to trigger a nuclear war between the two countries? Doesn’t he know the power of nuclear chain? Once the nuclear chain is started, no one on earth can live alone!
Who’s behind this conspiracy?
There is no time to think about this. The Secretary of State, clutching his aching heart, decisively helped the President to reach an order to "immediately recall and control the three submarines and inform the polar bears of some of the situation and tell them that we have all been benefited!"
Chapter 39 The king sees the king (2)
When the President of Citigroup and the Secretary of State and others were trying to get oxygen, the spokesman of the Soviet Foreign Ministry made a statement that there was no room for negotiation.
"China’s task force fleet and Cam Ranh Bay naval base were attacked by Citigroup and the Japanese navy in a despicable way. Thousands of soldiers sacrificed the Soviet Union and France to endure this naked aggression, and even more forbeared the enemy to trample on our dignity! Soviet bloodshed, Soviet people demanding justice, Soviet soldiers with their hands on them, murderers can’t escape justice! We demand that a country give us an answer in five minutes or the Soviet Union will seek justice in its own way! "
The ambassador of Citigroup, who is trying to find a way to communicate with the Soviet Union, felt that it was broken at first sight!
Sure enough, five minutes later, in the cold jungle of Siberia, a deadly long-range missile rose from the silo from the death train from the nuclear submarine in the East China Sea of Siberia, and the tsunami changed color! Hundreds of missiles crossed the path of destruction in the sky and flew to Japan-there was no way that China didn’t seem to be out of line except for crashing two of their planes, but they sent fighters to sneak up on other people’s early warning aircraft; Citigroup is the culprit, of course, but launching missiles directly at Citigroup risks being destroyed 30 times. Both the panda and the double-headed eagle are capable of pulling the Soviet Union to die together, and the Japanese pig …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
What kind of "national missile defense system" can remain on paper these days? Even the "theater missile defense system" has just started. The Japanese empire exposed the polar bear’s claws and parry like a naked lamb. Everyone in Japan can watch the thunder crashing down in the north and can’t do anything! Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuga, Nagoya, Wakayama, Shensi, Niigata ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Scientific research and other important targets were blown up in the big bang, and half of the high-rise buildings collapsed in the fire and were peaceful for nearly half a century. The Japanese people felt that the sky had collapsed and the earth had cracked, and the end had come. They said that even the Okinawa military base of Citigroup had been erased by nine missiles, and dozens of advanced fighters of the aircraft carrier "Lincoln" that were preparing to take off were turned into a group of firebirds, and even the fighters that had already taken off were overturned by waterfalls and waves, which showed how terrible the old Mao missiles were.
What hurts the Japanese people even more is that even michel platini has turned its back on denying people. If it doesn’t help them intercept missiles, it will be enough to return to the well. The aircraft carrier battle group "Bumblebee" has fired hundreds of cruise missiles at God bless the country on the grounds that the fleet.
The debt of sinking several warships of the "Enterprise" aircraft carrier battle group without declaring war on them must be liquidated! This is terrible. Facing the siege of Japan by two masters, even with the spirit of Bushido, it is hard to defeat four hands with two fists! Not counting this, even the Second Artillery Corps of China is eager to operate on them! So everything went back to the "glorious course" of Japan during World War II, and it began to single out the three strongest military powers in the world. But this time they were even worse than during World War II. At least, during World War II, they were prepared for a long time, and they had enough money to fight hard with the world’s elite soldiers for four years. According to them, it was called defeat but it was completely different this time. This "glorious course" began. At this time, the Great Japanese Empire was busy enjoying sake and beauty status, but it was not high enough to get advanced enjoyment. At least I can get addicted to many porn actresses’ photos. I haven’t enjoyed enough of this little life. Why did those three malefic call?

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