杭州桑拿网,杭州龙凤419,杭州品茶网,杭州夜网论坛 spa会所,夜网 "I … I feel a little around …" Ivan still sat on the ground with his hands over his Cybertron prosthetic legs stretched out flat and stabbed, and his chest kept fluctuating, but his breathing finally became gentle. "Listen … shout … just like our Russian dolls."

"I … I feel a little around …" Ivan still sat on the ground with his hands over his Cybertron prosthetic legs stretched out flat and stabbed, and his chest kept fluctuating, but his breathing finally became gentle. "Listen … shout … just like our Russian dolls."

"Almost. Folding layers is just like a Russian doll, but it’s more complicated than a doll." Recalling Genting’s scalp-numbing fragments, Ke Lan still can’t help but feel a little scared and lost his luck. off the charts "crossed" a few times and hit the nest owner’s consciousness, or who knows how many years he will be trapped inside …
If you squat for tens of thousands of years like the owner of the nest, it is estimated that everything will be over by the time he comes out.
Of course, it’s also possible that when he finds the exit himself, this fold will be discovered by that one, and then he will be promoted with others …
"By the way, what’s the name of Christine said that the nest is very dangerous at Genting, and we are going to save you because of the power left by Rush, which will turn people into monsters … but we were sent here before we crossed that passage … So you have been to Genting?" Asked the hound
"It’s really dangerous to have been to Genting, especially for you. You’re a little slow … If you’re trapped in Genting, I won’t be able to get you out so easily," Kelan said. "Christine has been eroded by that god. It deceives you … The key is Genting. I met a nest there that controls the consciousness …"
Chapter nine hundred and fifty-two "werewolf kill"
To make a long story short, Kelan told everyone about his experience in the nest capital from the owner of the nest capital. A hound and others often had some questions, but as Kelan told them, the frequency of their questions became lower and lower until they finally became a state of staring with their mouths open, but they couldn’t say a word.
It was not until Kelan finished all the things that the silence continued for several minutes that Leighton reached out and touched his head and murmured, "There is so much information that I feel that my brain has shut down …"
"I also have a feeling … like listening to a story." Chi feng han nodded quite approvingly. "If all this is true … wouldn’t it be another parallel world for us? What they will disappear’ culprit’ is really our group from another uninvited guest? "
"Er … you can’t say that." The hound shook his head. "It was those alphas who brought us here. I think they should have realized this. After all, according to the description of the owner of the nest, the alphas are completely hopeless. Sooner or later, they will fall into that guy’s rations."
"But the plot … still feels fantastic." Ivan sighed. He was lying flat on a folding stretcher. Several engineering agents who came with Leighton were helping him to repair the damaged Cyberberg prosthesis and fill in the stalagmite fragments.
"What do you think?" Ivan turned to look at the engineer who was screwing the screws and asked.
It was a girl with neat short hair, and her white cheeks were stained with a lot of dirty oil. She first froze and then shook her head. "I … I don’t know."
Koran didn’t shy away from "other people" coming from Aguna Kotor, including Major General Alexander and Ghost Owl of the USS-it’s impossible to keep secrets from everyone. If you want these people’s conditional support, you must make it clear why.
At the beginning, Kelan didn’t say the taboo knowledge that might lead to erosion, but he also said the reason-the term "cognitive pollution" was gradually accepted by everyone after taking the "meme infection" incident as an example.
"So the undead crew headquarters should be that many people have suffered from erosion and completely lost that … er, speaking of which, it should be nothing …" Major General Alexander suddenly paused in the middle of his speech and looked at Kelan.
"As far as the current information is concerned, it should not lead to erosion. Whether it is’ God’,’ He’,’ That’ or anything else can be called. I think it is probably because human imagination does not have a concrete concept of his root that it will not be impressed." Kelan replied.
"It’s true that this kind of thing comes out of my head, either the Oriental Jade Emperor or the Western Lord is at worst Shiva or Odin in northern Europe …" The hound chimed in. "But if you insist on asking me what the real’ God’ should look like, I can’t say it … After all, those human’ creation’ gods are all human beings who take their own models and add some’ local cultural elements’ to make it clear.
"It is the most difficult thing to create a reality that is rooted, because it is beyond the scope of human imagination. To put it bluntly, the Jade Emperor is a person with’ super powers’. The gods in the west are even more mediocre, especially those in Nordic mythology that are almost no different from human beings, even though it is called the indescribable Cthulhu, which is just a large octopus monster with wings. "Kelan said," The strangest appearance is the angel images in the Old Testament, but if these’ angels’ are broken into many small parts, it will be found that they are just imaginary creatures piled up with elements that can be seen everywhere in reality, but I am afraid that they have polluted the whole Alpha language.
"That’s good. I’m also worried that if I say a few more words, I’ll become a monster myself." Major General Alexander nodded. "In that case, I’ll automatically imagine myself as the image of the Lord when he arrives."
Major General Alexander, like Ivan, is a Russian descendant. Most Russians believe in the Orthodox Church, so when it comes to the word God, the first thing that comes to mind is the image of Jehovah.
"Those who have been eroded in the undead crew should have lost their will. Even if they still have the ability to think,’ can’ will make them devote themselves to sacrificing the whole human culture to that plan … I think it’s okay?" Major-General Alexander continued to interrupt the topic just now.
"It should be that those who still have self-awareness in this kind of immortal crew have been fighting against the eroded people. The ark has not fallen yet … but I am afraid that the remaining people will not last long," said Kelan.
"I’m not too white for one thing." The ghost owl raised her hand and found that all eyes were on him. His expression became slightly stiff. "Since someone in the undead crew has betrayed mankind, why don’t his members deal with the traitor?"
"Because I don’t know who are the traitors," Kelan sighed. "Although there are more than 20 people in the undead crew, the department is complicated, and everyone believes that their own state is absolutely confidential … Even when a force organization is established and various rules and constraints are perfected, it will gradually become bloated and full of’ filth’ after a long period of time, not to mention that every member of the undead crew has lived for hundreds of years and even longer … People will change their situation and’ erode’.
"Sounds a bit like a werewolf killing," an engineering agent whispered. "No one in this crew knows whether the other person is a good man or a werewolf …"
"But a game of werewolf killing will last only a few minutes. Those people have been playing for hundreds of years. Don’t tell your shallow ideas. If you let the head of the team hear them, they will definitely be laughed at." The engineering colleague bumped his elbow and woke up.
"There’s no good joke. You’re right. These guys are just playing a realistic werewolf killing that determines the fate of human culture … but every night in the past few hundred years is just Christmas Eve." Although it’s quite far apart, the conversation between the two was heard by Kelan.
"But the horse will be over on Christmas Eve," Ivan added
"No, I’m afraid it’s over." The hound shook his head. "The black fleet’s attack on Aguna Kotor means that the balance of the undead crew headquarters has been broken. Those’ werewolves’ may have mastered the dominant position … There is another news that deserves everyone’s attention. When Aguna Kotor arrived in the sea area banned by Underwater City, we had a brief contact with the troops stationed on the floating platform. They had lost communication with the ark and could not receive orders from the ark … I think the ark or the undead crew headquarters might be playing hot at that time.
"Who do you think will win?" Chi feng han caught a glimpse of the hound and asked.
"I’m more optimistic about the werewolf side." The hound left the pie mouth and sighed again. "According to the owner of this small nest, the members of the undead crew, like the Alpha, have been eroded, so they will become that monster sooner or later … that is to say, even if the’ good guys’ win these’ good guys’, they will eventually become’ werewolves’. The only difference is that the ark will be destroyed sooner or later."
"So what should we do now?" Leighton got up and looked back at Aguna Kotor. "There are still 30,000 people in Aguna Kotor. I have made statistics. The sex ratio between men and women is about seven to three. Seventy-five people are of childbearing age. Although this is not enough compared with the total number of human beings, the’ fire’ should be enough."
The implied meaning in Leighton’s words could not be more white. The source energy at the top of the Babel Tower was moved to Aguna Kotor, and then more than 30,000 people took the boat to directly moisten Yu Fangzhou. Those people will be finished regardless of their lives … Although Aguna Kotor’s materials are in short supply at present, it is not very difficult to be able to master the Alpha language and leave those technologies to the "ecological zone" for reclamation and planting.
"I also think it’s too risky to return to the Ark now," Alexander will sigh. "Although the theory of combat effectiveness belongs to Yu Fangzhou’s several fleets, Aguna Kotor, it’s not enough to see the roots, not to mention Kelan. You still have the strength left by those alphas … but those eroded people are the source of risk. If they directly publish those taboo knowledge on the battlefield, I’m afraid even these thirty thousand people will …"
"We can’t prevent this kind of sneak attack," the hound also advised. "Even if you cover everyone’s eyes and block up their ears, there will be no … Besides, if those eroded people take the road and sacrifice themselves directly to attract that attention, then we won’t even have a chance to escape … that’s really to fold the old ones in."
"I know that the best choice now is to take away the legacy of the tower of Babel Alpha Venn and then drive Aguna Kotor to leave Alpha with these 30,000 people … but there has always been a voice in my subconscious telling me to return to the Ark," Kelan said.
"Your subconscious … you …" Major-General Alexander glanced at Kelan curiously and his eyes flashed a subtle worry.

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