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Now Yang Qi field star Yun Qinglao decided that he could not open another variant.

You can’t escape the old man if you don’t bless the teenager with a foreign body. You can chase him and brew him well!
An old man and a young man show a new round of chasing this trip. Tianyang stopped chasing a young man for a while without going around in circles.
As soon as he stopped, the sun stopped.
The boy was sweating but still hung with a contemptuous smile. "Why didn’t the old man fight? I’ll go if I don’t fight. "
Green old eyes dark sneer at "so that’s the original"
Tianyang Zheng "What is it?"
The old man sneered. "Smelly little boy almost caught you again. Don’t you and I know what you’re up to?"
Tianyang Tanshou "What can I think is that you think too much?"
Young and old two long eyebrows raised and slowly fell. The old man suddenly pointed to the place behind Chaoyang. "Behind that is the Bones Pool!" You sly little devil are trying to lead my old man to the Bones Pool, aren’t you? "
Tianyang showed a startled expression and then his eyes flashed, "I don’t understand what you said."
The young old man laughed. "Little old man walks more than you eat. Can you really hide that little trick from me?"
"I have long known that there is a terrible creature in the Bones Pool. The owner of the Bones Pool is not willing to provoke the fortress. I know that the owner of the Bones Pool will not leave here easily and the fortress will be forbidden here."
"Don’t you know such an important place?"
"You want to introduce me to the Bones Pool and then alert the owner of the Pool to let the old man and the owner of the Bones Pool have a lose-lose fight, and then you can learn from it."
"The old lady is right!"
Tianyang showed a big hit expression and smiled bitterly. "Sure enough, ginger is still great."
Green old cold hum "it’s good to know now the old give you two choices"
"Either come and die."
"Or buried in the pool of white bones!"
Tianyang sighed, looked up and smiled. "No, I have a third choice."
"What choice?" Young and old squint slightly.
At this moment, the ground shook violently, and suddenly, a water column not far from the old man came out from the woodland!
Green old really leng with both heard underground unexpectedly to a difficult to describe, full of anger.
This cry alone was not enough to shake him, but as soon as he clearly sensed a heartfelt hatred, anger and malice, it fell on him
The old man was numb. "Is this the owner of the bone pool?"
"How can it leave the bone pool?"
"If it can stare at the old lady!"
Yelling at a young man and not going to manage Tianyang, I raised my arm only to find that the hand ring was dim and it was difficult to start the jumping function again.
Suddenly, the old man remembered that his teenager took his own lap.
His back went cold at once.
Can it be said that this little guy just deliberately took himself around in circles in order to consume himself?
This time, the old man was right!
That’s right. Tianyang just deliberately circled around to consume the number of times the ring was used up.
I have carefully observed the old man’s ring after chasing Zhongtian Yang earlier, which can be used for about five or six times.
And just now, Qing Lao has made it for seven times, which means that he has no means to escape instantly.
And the real old man didn’t guess wrong just now
At that time, Tianyang really thought about leading the old man into the Bones Pool when he found that there was a terrible one in the Bones Pool, so that the old man could fight with the owner of the Bones Pool, and it was best to win both sides.
But on second thought,
The old man is not stupid, so he won’t be easily fooled.
However, in Tianyang Pool, it was found that the owner of the bone pool regarded the remains at the bottom of the pool as treasures. What would happen if one of them lived outside and happened to be an old man?
So when he was in the pool, he’ stole’ one of them and the black fog cut off the smell of the remains.
And just now, when the two men were staggered in the battle with the old man, Tianyang had quietly put the scaly strange ball into the old man’s pocket and lifted the black fog.
Youzi didn’t know that there was another "dirt" in his package. The old man looked around warily. Although the owner of the bone pool had a conflict that he didn’t want, it was not his choice now.
When he looked at Tianyang’s position, he found that the teenager had disappeared, and he was even more angry and vomited blood.
Suddenly, a deep, cold, and horrible sound that penetrated the soul rang directly in the old man’s head.
The old man was desperate to guard against it, but the owner of the bone pool unexpectedly had such a direct attack on the mental means and immediately got the word. As soon as he was stiff, there was no idea in his whole mind to have that terrible sound.
Next to a woodland, a tentacle, which looks like a sea snake but has a white skull at the front end, rises from the ground with splashing cold pool water.
The blue-blue flame in the skull suddenly covered the surface of the big tentacle with a layer of the same color flame and then heavily smoked the old man in a dull state.
The young old man didn’t even hum, so he flew out and fell heavily on a big tree, which made it rattle and the old man fell to the ground.
There are no burnt marks on the body, but the skin is hair, and the green cream is shivering.
There are two tentacles rising from the ground and flapping towards the old man with blue ice flames.
At this moment, the old man finally surges up and the star aggregates are shattered, and the green frost rolls around in a mess and barely escapes.
A few skulls opened their mouths and sprayed strips from their black mouths. Lan Huo chased the old man, Lan Huo, and all things on the ground were frosted. But for a moment, the temperature of this woodland had dropped to zero.
This made Tianyang, who was hiding not far away, couldn’t help but sneeze gently.
He has wrapped himself in black fog and has no remains in the bone pool. It is reasonable to say that he should not be stared at by the owner of the bone pool.
What’s more, people’s current goals are really where they will be when they wave.
On the other side, the young old mess finally fought back after avoiding several Lan Huo.
He flung his arms to carry a miserable green flame, and suddenly leaped from a blue tentacle in the middle to cover the tentacle, so that the tentacle sizzled and pieces of scales kept falling off.
But this move angered the owner of the bone pool, and the tentacles slammed up, tearing the ground and creating several bottomless gullies in the forest land.

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There are five people in favor of the plan. No, Ruize’s vote is over. He nodded with satisfaction. "This matter will be handled by China District, and Ye Hua will