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He needs beautiful things when he needs them.

Full of beautiful things smiled at him and rejoiced in my heart. Both hearts are the same qR1.
It’s rare to meet someone with a heart-to-heart. She cherishes it.
The emperor was disappointed. No one.
He failed to make a plan and gave birth to another plan. "Su Linlang, if you leave me, you can forget the past. Your county title can still be kept. I can reconsider your marriage with Ye Er."
He threw the bait and waited for the hook.
Duguye’s heart is moving. If that’s true, that’s good.
Full of beautiful eyes flashing "reconsider? How to change it? "
He has always been quick-witted, otherwise he wouldn’t stand out among the brothers and become the favorite son of the first emperor.
"If you want to be obedient, I can remarry and let you two be together."
He whispered and gently coaxed his face.
Linlang seems to be very excited. Jiang Yuan frowned slightly when her eyes turned to one side. "What about Miss Jiang?"
Chapter three hundred and nineteen Mistakes
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
Jiang Yuan’s face was as pale as paper, and it seemed that he had suffered a great blow.
The emperor took a casual look but didn’t take it to heart.
"She? A flat wife or concubine depends on your mood. What do you mean? " qR1
Miss Chiang Kai-shek is an excellent chess game, but it would be a pity to abandon it if there is something better.
Jiang Yuan body shake can’t believe stare big eyes.
This is her worship of the king?
At last, in the eyes of her loyalty to the king, she was just a chess player who threw it at random.
Hehe, it’s not just her. The whole Chiang family is her chess.
Full of beautiful things cocked his head and thought about it. Everyone waited with bated breath.
Duguye’s heart is contradictory, both wanting her to stay and fearing that she will be hurt.
Considering half a ring of beautiful things, I finally got a golden mouth. "It’s tempting, but I don’t believe you."
Seeing her loose tone, the emperor was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to promise that "I can rewrite an imperial edict"
Full of beautiful eyebrows with a hint of ridicule unruly mouth "you write."
"Full of beautiful things" Duguye finally couldn’t help but shake his head at her.
Who knows what will happen if it falls into his hands
The capital is the imperial territory, and no one else can get involved.
"Shut up and don’t talk." The emperor was afraid that he would disturb a good thing and severely rebuke it.
Duguye wanted to say it again, but he saw full of beautiful things blinked at him, and a shoo-in passed his eyes.
Duguye, who shared the same thoughts, was silent. Since she wanted to calculate the emperor, let her have sex.
Palace guards took out the carry-on Four Treasures of the Study emperor picked up a brush just a thoughtfully.
Jiang Yuan couldn’t help blushing. "The emperor must not."
That will put her on the ground? Put Chiang’s family on the ground?
The emperor frowned with discontent. "Miss Jiang sacrificed one for the benefit of the empire."
The official face-to-face talk seems to be occupied, and it is particularly casual.
He didn’t take the Chiang family seriously at all. He was the emperor of Qin and the co-owner of all peoples. He wanted whoever he wanted to live to die.
Fight back and die!
The cold warning in the emperor’s eyes made Jiang Yuan shudder and tremble all over.
Even colder is the loyalty of a king.

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