杭州桑拿网,杭州龙凤419,杭州品茶网,杭州夜网论坛 品茶 "I … I don’t know if I’m talking to the elder brother of the dog! ! !” The gangster felt that his scalp was about to tear and cried with tears in his eyes.

"I … I don’t know if I’m talking to the elder brother of the dog! ! !” The gangster felt that his scalp was about to tear and cried with tears in his eyes.

Bullies who are followed by protection are all soft goods, but this time they encounter hard stubble and may be disabled
"The elder brother of the dog? Yo who ah come out and let me see "Qin Mu Ye put people and then looked around a group of squatting gangsters asked.
At this time, no one is loyal, and some punk with a broken arm is just pushed out
"So it’s you, dog. Tell me about it. It’s agreed that I’ll connect the bone for you. I’ll connect the bone for you, too." Qin Mu Ye said this sentence just didn’t make sense to others, but it soon became clear how to connect the bone.
"Shi Shao is Shi Shao. Let’s interrupt Wang Ge’s leg and not our business." The gangster decisively sold the behind-the-scenes indicator.
Qin Mu Ye was quite satisfied with this. He stretched out his hand and gently picked up the other hand bone when he heard the click.
He is still very familiar with the human body structure, and it is relatively simple to connect a bone.
Soon the law enforcers came over and took the people away after listening to the description of his students at the scene.
"Come on, let’s go. You should study hard. Don’t do this illegal thing for a thousand dollars like this group of idiots. This stone is also a real stingy fool. A group of ignorant gangsters will do this." Qin Mu Ye shook his head and left the classroom
Is a thousand dollars a lot? Many ghost restaurants have 4 thousand dishes a month, and the factory works conscientiously for at least 1 thousand a month
It’s insane to do such a thing for a thousand dollars.
Ten million is still a thousand dollars … College students don’t do it.
He can see that these gangsters are probably protecting their names and extorting money from a primary school student and a junior high school student. It is estimated that they are all poor.
Really serious black acerbity can do such a thing? This era has long since landed.
It is simply unreasonable for that stone boy to go into the college and do such a thing because he is also mentally ill.
"Professor Li waits for one"
On the way back, someone stopped Qin Mu Ye and Qin Mu Ye. After all, his surname was Qin, not Li. He didn’t react until the other party chased him. His identity was called Li Yan. Professor Li called himself.
"Oh, classmate, what can I do for you?" Qin Mu Ye asked.
"Professor, my name is Wang Ge, and that group of gangsters are looking for someone today." This person introduced himself as soon as he came.
Qin Mu Ye nodded. "Well, Wang Ge, I think you should learn from the owners now instead of making friends with some social idlers."
"Professor, I … I don’t know them. I’ve met them once, too." Wang Ge said with bitterness in his tone.
"Ah, this … have you approached any beautiful women?" Qin Mu Ye didn’t feel the other side lying, and the other side was also a face of nai.
Wang Ge recalled, "No, I’m also a homebody. I don’t have a girlfriend at all, and I rarely go near his female classmates."
"Besides, there is something wrong with interrupting a person’s leg because of such a thing …"
Even Wang Ge can’t help but vomit. This kind of thing is really too wonderful. Normal people don’t do this, do they?
Who chases a girl by breaking the legs of men around her? It is unlikely that she will be chased like this, but she will stay away from it. For example, this kind of behavior is violent, and she may have to be abused after she is determined.
"Then I don’t know. I’m not a stone." Qin Mu Ye said with his hands spread out.
"I want to ask the professor to train me. I don’t need to be able to pinch the steel pipe with one hand. I just want to run faster," said Wang Ge.
Qin Mu Ye’s request for Wang Ge is also a little unexpected. I didn’t expect the request to be so low
But it’s also difficult for Qin Mu Ye. He hasn’t trained himself. How can he train others?
"I really can’t train. I haven’t exercised myself. It’s just a healthy atmosphere." Qin Mu Ye didn’t practice this piece in his own strength composition. Besides, normal people can’t train him to this extent
After all, the species are different.
Wang Ge was silent when he heard this. Although he had already been psychologically prepared, it was still difficult to be touched when he heard this.
The main reason is that Qin Mu Ye refused is too wonderful.
"Well, it’s really unlucky to see you in this situation, but I can teach you how to practice this thing. It’s not only bitter and tiring, but also very expensive. Can you do it?" Qin Mu Ye glanced at each other and thought that maybe there was something hidden in it, so just give it a hand.
He remembered that the martial arts in Brunei were quite suitable, although the efficiency was a little low and the cultivation time was quite expensive, but it would be a dead horse.
Although he has not practiced it, there is no problem with the theory.
"Thank you, Professor. When shall we?" Wang Ge was shocked by this sudden surprise. He was directly forgotten about the bitterness, tiredness and money.
Let’s solve the immediate problems first.
"Do you want to be quick or do you want to take your time?" Qin Mu Ye asked 1.
In my mind, I am looking for martial arts schools, such as knives, guns, clubs, fists, paws, fingers and so on. However, it seems that they are all small schools and schools that have been eliminated, but they are not in line with modernization or have lost their inheritance for various reasons
"Of course, it’s a crash course. That Shi Shao will never let my professor go. How many days do you think it will take?" Wang Ge hoped to ask.
Qin Mu Ye pondered a "3,600 days at the earliest".
“? ? ?” Wang Ge has a black line. Isn’t this ten years?
I really have to wait for ten years, then his daylily will be cold.
"Professor, can you hurry up?"
"There are three months, that is, after practice, either people are gone or money is gone."
No matter how fast, of course, there will be krypton. How can you become stronger without krypton?
"How much will that cost?" King song quickly asked
"I don’t know how much it depends on how much your body can absorb." Qin Mu Ye said slowly
This guy is impatient when he is called an anxious young man.
How can you practice martial arts in three days? Even Qin Mu Ye’s own transformation seems to be a one-step process, but it took a lot of study and practice to dare to start work.
"But what should I do now? The stone will definitely not leave me alone."
"You call the police. If you can’t, just drop out of school and run away. I’m just a potential professor. There’s no way." It’s good that Qin Mu Ye can give him a chance because it’s impossible. He’s not familiar with this king song. It’s just to see what the plot might be.

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