杭州桑拿网,杭州龙凤419,杭州品茶网,杭州夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Lian Fangzhou has told Zhang Lizheng and the village elders that when their houses are built, they will start to repair the ancestral temple and Yicang and then build the school.

Lian Fangzhou has told Zhang Lizheng and the village elders that when their houses are built, they will start to repair the ancestral temple and Yicang and then build the school.

Zhang Lizheng is full of joy, so he is most concerned about Lian Fangzhou’s house building.
Li Da and Li Er are responsible for supervising the building here, and Qin steward also helps to keep an eye on it.
Li Sanhe and Wang Wu looked at the oil mill over there
Qin steward asked people to find out the market clearly. Even Fangzhou has chosen a place to build an oil mill, which is near the suburbs of Yu County.
More than two acres of land were purchased to build an oil mill, a warehouse for producing oil from soybean flowers, and a house for workers to live and live in.
Even Fangzhou had long wanted to repay Aunt Zhang’s family. This was a good opportunity, so he asked Aunt Zhang’s family for advice. After the oil mill was completed and put into operation, it was also handed over to Li Sanhe and Wang Wu.
Don’t tell others that Li Sanhe was very happy and immediately agreed to come. Aunt Zhang and Li Shu naturally won’t refuse, and there is nothing different, such as being lost and uncomfortable.
In the past, they took care of Lian Fangzhou’s family because of mutual affection. Now Lian Fangzhou’s family is better than theirs. In turn, taking care of them will make them feel grateful and will never be sour.
Zhao heard that there were at least three taels of silver a month, festivals, gifts and red envelopes, and suddenly he was overjoyed. Why not?
After all kinds of tools in the oil mill were designed by Su Ji, they were still paved by the original two companies.
The two shop owners are particularly affectionate to their families, and both of them happen to agree that even Fangzhou will naturally not take advantage of them by accepting materials and not accepting manual work.
There is a reason for the two companies to do so.
Lian Fangzhou had expected that Boss Wang and Boss Xiao would sooner or later think of looking for the tool shop they had made after the tools hit a wall.
Lian Fangzhou greeted the two shop owners first and expressed his willingness to send them a fortune.
If the boss Wang and the boss Xiao really find a way to pretend to refuse twice, though it should be.
She has a request that each person make one less part for them.
There are rules and regulations. If there is no Fang Zhou, they secretly beat her exclusive tools to others. Even Fang Zhou will ruin their reputation if she knows that the door is bothering them! It’s another matter to get the consent of Lian Fangzhou.
This silver earns you peace of mind!
Don’t you just do less? They are old and have no drawings. How can they remember that clearly by memory? It’s normal to miss one or two things!
Before doing this, they will also discuss with boss Wang and boss Xiao whether to do it or not. It’s up to them!
In fact, what else can they do except to get away with it?
Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze’s Jane are busy with the snail mountain.
Luosi Mountain still needs to be well planned before construction starts.
On this day, even Fangzhou three people came to visit Luosi Mountain.
It is late autumn, and many trees have begun to shed their leaves. There are also many wild fruit trees and shrubs full of all kinds of fruits, most of which are very bright in color.
Half-man-tall weeds also began to turn yellow and wither in clusters, which looked rather messy.
"It’s really not easy to clean up this mountain!" Even fangzhou couldn’t help feeling.
Even the ze service road "seems to be not too much trouble? Set fire to it first, then cut it down, dig it up and hire more people. "
Even Fang Zhou laughed. "Some trees are so tall that they have to be cut down before they can be burned, or they won’t be burned! When the time comes, the trunk will be dark and not easy to cut. "
Before I finished walking, I found many tall trees as tall as several floors in Fangzhou. From a distance, the branches were lush and dense, and the trunk was expected to be as thick as folded arms.
Lian Ze smiled and said, "Listen to my sister’s arrangement!"
Half a day’s kung fu finally walked the valley again, and even Fangzhou had an idea in her heart.
Just build a duck house in the most spacious and flat place, and then raise ducks in the future. This limit will be rotated every half month to raise ducks at both ends of the valley respectively.
There is a stream in the central plains of the valley to widen it, dig a shallow and wide pond at a certain distance, plant more reeds and aquatic plants beside the pond and raise ducks. Chapter 468 Opportunity
The hen house is built near the hillside and needs to be scattered in several places throughout the mountain.
Now the mountain field has not been cleared up and it is not easy to judge.
The fish pond is built in a large swamp in the mouth of the valley. Just a few days after buying this land, even Fangzhou has called people to come and dig several mouths, and the horses can dig with enough hands.
When the time comes, people will have to be arranged to live permanently here, which will be built at Taniguchi and Taniguchi.
"Azeri, when you go to town, go to Uncle Zhao and say that the day after tomorrow is the best, and the day after tomorrow will come to labor! It’s time to cut the fish pond by sawing the mountain tree. "Even Fangzhou added
There are at least four large fish ponds in this large swamp, and there must be a wide flat land to plant trees.
Even ze promised with a smile and laughed "elder sister, let’s go and have a look at the top of the mountain! It’s not good to look far at the top of the mountain and see the province in case something is missed! "
Even fangzhou think about it and then say with smile "all right! Then the mountain! "
Jane glanced up and pointed in the direction. "There seems to be a path from the mountain bar over there."
Almost no one came here, even after Fangzhou bought it. A path trodden by cattle herders and wood cutters was quickly covered by weeds.
But even Fang Zhou and Lian Ze believe that Jane can’t be mistaken.
Lian Ze worships Bi and cries, "Brother Jane, I have studied with you for so long, but I don’t have such a good eye! Brother Jane, you must teach me everything! "
Jane smiled. "I’ll teach you everything if you don’t bother!" "
Don’t say that he is Fang Zhou’s own brother, but he will be willing to teach him if he works hard.
Even ze immediately happy busy laughed "I welcome how can abandon! Thank you, brother Jane! "
Jane laughed casually. "You’re welcome!"
Lian Ze smiled and nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, my own family!" "
Even Fang Zhou suddenly felt that this tone was so strange that she had a ghost in her heart and couldn’t help setting her eyes half narrowed.
Even ze has already turned his head and shouted to please Jane’s various praises.

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